About Site

I was very satisfied to create a Site in Blogger- Symon's Site, the creation of this because I want to learn new knowledge in this field and it has very close relationship with my Subject too. Furthermore, I also want to use this Site to share with my friends and everyone something that benefits for our lives, both in living and learning. Even so, if anyone that has somethings beneficial - thinks that is good and want to share to others such as new technology, software, documents..., you can send me those files, articles, or link. I'll upload to other sites to share here.

I am fully glad to welcome everyone to view this Site. I hope and believe, you will find at least something that has benefits for you when you visit my Site.

However, this was the first time that I present to create this Site, so it does not escape the mistakes and errors. And I look forward to your advice to any who have viewed this site by leaving me some tips and comments to promote my site and I will repair any wrong done to make this Site as good as possible.

At last, I am so sorry for my bad English. :)!!!

Site Detail:
Author:Pum Symon
Site Name:Symon's Site
Template:Edited by me -HTML & Javascript
Origin Template:Blogger Perfect Blogger (January 2011 )
Designed by:Simrandeep
Site's Feed:http://feeds.feedburner.com/SymonsSite
Contact Detail:
Yahoo Msg:symonpum